Abortion Rights are Queer Rights Series

The overturning of Roe V Wade is a harsh reminder that we cannot and must not take for granted the rights those before us have fought for and earned. It is up to us all to honor the legacies of these fights by taking whatever skills and resources we have and putting them to use. We must know that our liberties and freedoms are bound to our neighbors', we are part of a larger community, and any threat to autonomy in any of its forms is a threat to us all. Speak, dance, sing, cry, shout, release and create in any way you can about what's happening. They will not have our silence. The fight will continue.

This is a digital art series created for social media with the intention to present protest visuals that are intersectional. After the overturning of Roe V Wade, most of the content shared centered on women and women's bodies, I wanted to create a message that encompassed the multiplicity of identities impacted by this action. This is a visual reminder that queer bodies need to be considered and representred in the fight as well, that abortion is also a queer rights issue.
