Untitled, Nicole Leibowitz. Analog Collage (vintage magazines, burned edges), 13 x 19 in.


After working with many types of mediums, I found myself constantly going back to the one that felt magical to me, the one that I never stopped thinking about, Collage.

As a Collage Artist, the excitement of finding the next great image never gets old. I cut and manipulate everything by hand. It's a lengthy process, but one that allows me to be in the present moment, as I'm working with knives, fire, and papers that can be upwards of 60 years old. I find the entire process extremely meditative, from salvaging and collecting books and magazines to harvesting images and giving them new life and a new voice.

My artworks are strong and invoke thinking, feeling, wonder, and amazement. Being able to be heard through my art gives me the ability to continue to send the messages that I think are important. That feels successful to me