Rose Malenfant, headshot by Leah Huang

Are you surprised by our elasticity?, Rose Malenfant. Mixed media- metal, wire, yarn, pantyhose, stone, pearl beads, quinoa, clay, balloon, bone, avocado pit, 42 x 40 in.


To be pro life one must be pro living.

If your idea of utopia is one where every woman who becomes pregnant gives birth, 

Then every woman and child deserves a world that doesn’t cripple life.“


What does it feel like to know our bodies
How do we
stretch, rip, hang, fold-
Delight and challenge those who get close

What do we choose to hold
and what weight do our bodies bare out of survival

We are inseparable from our womb.

A home
A source
A matrix
No man’s trick
Can dictate

What we birth.
Or how we choose
To fertilize earth.

My work forms through curiosities explored-
It is a practice of listening through touch and responding.
I create conjunctions where fragments of different become one.
And through these surreal forms we somehow feel closer to understood.
Creating is a sacred dance where living meets matter.
We can call upon a thread through ritual- touching and tracing it from ourselves to the source. Realizing Umbilical cords never cut.
Attached we will find all our sisters and mothers and children. And they will be whole and intertwined yet unbound. If collective breath or menstrual blood could be woven.
One fabric.
